2018 Dig Missoula Scholarship Recipient

Kylie Lunday came to Missoula via Las Vegas from a modest upbringing. She was not able to participate in extracurricular activities in Nevada. So when she moved to Missoula as a child and her father signed her up for sports through the YMCA, she finally found her niche. She played basketball, volleyball, soccer, gymnastics, anything she could get into. Her dad stopped her at football. She and her brother would spend their evenings playing basketball at the Y and she excelled in that sport.

It wasn’t until her sophomore year of high school that she was approached by the basketball coach and an opportunity was presented to her that would change that path. He told her that she should give volleyball a try. She made it to the last day of tryouts and made the Junior Varsity team at Hellgate High School.

She spent the next two years growing her love for the game and became an all-state player for the Knights. During the summer and the fall of her senior year, she would find herself at Bonner Park with her friends, approaching the adults playing grass volleyball asking if she could play. She became a regular at those pick up games, looking for any opportunity to play again.

This year, Dig Missoula selected Kylie Lunday as our local Club Scholarship recipient. Her goal is to continue her volleyball career into college. Dig Missoula is honored to help her achieve that goal.