2019 Dig Missoula Scholarship Recipient

Dylann Agnew started playing volleyball in middle school. When she found out her school had a volleyball team she decided to try it and ended up loving the sport. As she grew to love the game, she found it to be an incredible source of stability for her emotional health.

Dylann began to realize with time that when she played volleyball all of her stresses, sadness, and anger disappeared and all that mattered was having fun and playing the sport. It helped her work on her confidence not just in volleyball, but in life. Being able to have some discipline and organization in her life has been so helpful. Being around the girls who play with her has helped her come out of her shell and really learn who she is. She'd love to play college volleyball one day and really does believe she has the drive to do it.

We, at Dig Missoula, are so happy for the opportunity to help Dylann pursue her dream.